1 September 2019 September 2019

I’ve recently moved into my first home with my partner, Nay! After a lot of ups and down, needing a rewire, needing plastering work, getting stressed, take out meals and skip runs; we are in.

Now I’m settling in, I want September to be full of catching up, socialising and enjoying time with others. I wrote about my simplistic goals on 200 Words A Day, which included socialising with friends and colleagues, going to meetups and getting more involved in my communities; 200WAD and Makerlog.

I want to put on hold my sporadic project work and focus on offering my services to helping out new Rails developers with code legibility, performance and maintainability. Please get in touch if you need help with your Rails codebases. That being said, I’ll be working on more Calajo projects, including client work.